An announcement from the elders of First Christian Church on November 13, 2022...
Good morning, my fellow elders and I are here this morning to give you some important information. After much prayer and deliberation, as of January 8, 2023, we will be combining services and offering one worship service at 9:30 am followed by Bible school at 10:45 am. We are looking forward to gathering together and worshiping as one united body as we continue to restore and rebuild in this season. We are excited to participate in what the Holy Spirit has planned for our congregation.
Over the next several weeks, we will address several key areas that are affected by the new schedule. We will utilize both Sunday mornings as well as the weekly Take Note to provide details on the Sunday morning gathering, children’s ministry, and the discipleship pathway. Please take the time to listen to the updates and read the articles from the Take Note. This will be very helpful in preparing us for January 8th.
The elder team will be present in the foyer following services today for questions. We have also published a list of questions and answers that we anticipate you may have. If you have other questions not addressed on this handout, please use one of the question cards located at the offering boxes to submit your inquiry. We will not be able to address every question from the stage, therefore we are asking for anyone who turns in a question to put your name on the slip so that we can be sure to contact you with an answer. In the meantime, here is a short video to explain some of the details related to the new Sunday schedule.
Good morning, my fellow elders and I are here this morning to give you some important information. After much prayer and deliberation, as of January 8, 2023, we will be combining services and offering one worship service at 9:30 am followed by Bible school at 10:45 am. We are looking forward to gathering together and worshiping as one united body as we continue to restore and rebuild in this season. We are excited to participate in what the Holy Spirit has planned for our congregation.
Over the next several weeks, we will address several key areas that are affected by the new schedule. We will utilize both Sunday mornings as well as the weekly Take Note to provide details on the Sunday morning gathering, children’s ministry, and the discipleship pathway. Please take the time to listen to the updates and read the articles from the Take Note. This will be very helpful in preparing us for January 8th.
The elder team will be present in the foyer following services today for questions. We have also published a list of questions and answers that we anticipate you may have. If you have other questions not addressed on this handout, please use one of the question cards located at the offering boxes to submit your inquiry. We will not be able to address every question from the stage, therefore we are asking for anyone who turns in a question to put your name on the slip so that we can be sure to contact you with an answer. In the meantime, here is a short video to explain some of the details related to the new Sunday schedule.