I apologize for the lack of a blog the past couple of weeks. Sherry and I were traveling, and it was good to get away for no other reason than to be together and away from our responsibilities here in Central Illinois. While we were away much continued with the business of the church.
Don’t forget that tonight at 6:30 we will hold the MAP information meeting in the Family Life Center. This is your opportunity to hear from the ministry leaders what the plans are for 2020. If you are unable to attend, look for details in this blog next week as we move toward a congregational vote on the MAP on December 8. The Lead Minister Search Committee has met several times and is making good progress. Resumes are starting to be collected and screened. If you know of someone you would like to have considered, please funnel those names to Tori Moore, Cassandra Benton or any committee member, and we will be happy to send them our church and candidate profile. Once the profiles are sent, it will be up to that person to decide if they would like to proceed with our process. Please continue to pray for all of those on the committee (Cassandra Benton, Nate Bostic, Samuel Green, Rod Karr, Tori Moore, Bob Phillips, Leann Sosamon, and Jim Taylor) as they continue this work. Let’s continue to look for ways to become the “Passionate Community of Disciple Makers” that is the vision of our church. For years our church has provided communion to those who (for whatever reason, either temporary or permanent) are unable to come to our church building. It has come to our attention that either we were unaware of someone who desired outside communion or one of our volunteers missed their opportunity to serve. To those who were missed we apologize, and we recognize that we must do better. This opportunity to serve, however, should not only be the outside communion team’s responsibility. If you are aware of someone wanting communion, won’t you take the opportunity to bless that person with it? It does not matter if they have already received communion, and it does not have to be on a Sunday; the church will be happy to provide a communion kit, and no special training is required. All that is necessary to remember is that “Where two or more are gathered” and “Do this in remembrance of me.” This would be an example of a way to move from “Corporate to Contagious!!” We are glad to be back and look forward to worshiping with you all this coming Sunday. Blessings Mark Behrends Chairman of the Congregation I am sure many of you have already heard of the passing of Charlie Belangee and Barb Baker. Charlie and Barb lived their lives with a great love for Jesus and were the example of being the hands and feet of Jesus that we all should aspire to be. For forty years Charlie served as the Superintendant of our Bible School. Barb was instrumental in organizing our Benevolence ministry which she led for many years. While they both served in their areas with excellence what defined their service was showing the love of Jesus to others in a quiet, personal way.
Both Charlie and Barb were great examples of people carrying out the Great Commission. As they were about the duties of their service, they were loving those around them and bringing them to Jesus. This is exactly what we have all been called to do. Please be in prayer for the Baker and Belangee families as they grieve the loss of Barb and Charlie, but also consider how you may honor their legacy by being involved in service to our Lord. Serve with a purpose: to honor God while showing others His love and saving grace. Blessings, FCC Elders In last week’s update it was announced that the search committee was being formed and I am excited to now let you know who will be serving on this very important committee. The eight members of the committee are: Cassandra Benton, Nate Bostic, Samuel Green, Rod Karr, Tori Moore, Bob Phillips, Leann Sosamon, and Jim Taylor. After much prayer each of these individuals were selected to serve because of their discerning hearts and commitment to our church and the Kingdom at large. We truly believe that God placed each of these individuals on this committee because of their specific gifts and abilities and because of that we trust that this group as a whole will have His blessings of effectiveness and success. As this committee begins their work please keep them in your prayers, pray that they will be strong against Satan’s attacks, clarity and joy in their work, and a cooperative spirit of unity in their search. While your ministry staff deserves your appreciation all year long don’t forget that October is “Pastor Appreciation Month.” FCC’s ministry staff is hard working and dedicated to promoting the Kingdom in Clinton and DeWitt County, why don’t you take a moment to send each of them a note of thanks and encouragement! While our ministry staff is very good, remember they are not there to do your work for you. Each of us needs to be out “Loving God, Reaching the World & Building the Church.” The corporate “programs” of the organized church don’t do that, we each have the individual responsibility to be out ministering and showing God’s love to others. Let’s move from “Corporate to Contagious.” This Saturday October 19th is a great opportunity to serve with your family or friends at the Mobile Food Pantry. Sign up to volunteer on the church website under the upcoming-serve-opportunities tab. This Sunday October 20th is a great opportunity to mix, mingle and visit down in The Underground from 9:00 until 10:30 for DONUT SUNDAY. Come grab a donut and head off to Bible School or stay and meet someone who you may not be acquainted with. Blessings, FCC Eldership The following is the announcement that was read in our worship service this past Sunday.
It has now been almost two and a half months since Greg and Marla finished their ministry here in Clinton, and the leadership would like to give just a brief update of our current status and the plan moving forward. First of all we would like to thank you for your continued prayer support and the encouragement given to us, that has truly been a blessing. We have appreciated the opportunity to take a step back, spend time in prayer, and take a breath for a moment as we did an honest evaluation of our church which was necessary before we could begin a search for a new minister. This will give this new minister the best opportunity to be successful here in Clinton. We have been appreciative of Pete as he has led us through several assessment exercises which has led us to where we are today. We are currently putting together the search committee who will solicit, screen and do initial interviews of candidates and ultimately make a recommendation to the elders for final interviews. This committee will be made up mainly of people from the congregation with staff and elder representation. I was hoping to name the committee today; unfortunately a couple of the spots are not yet filled. Once the committee is complete the names will be made public so that you may cover them and the search in your prayers. Everyone being asked to serve on this committee has the skill set and life experience to be successful with this task, and are all Godly people with the gift of discernment. I believe God is placing each on this committee for this season and I thank them for their sacrifice and their willingness to serve. With the selection of the committee, we have also opened the window to accept resumes and the tentative plan is to continue to accept those until January 15th. All resumes should be sent to the church to the attention of the search committee. We would hope to begin interviewing candidates by February 1st. While this sounds like a long time to wait we realize that those currently in effective ministries, which is the type of candidate that we will be looking for, will most likely not be available for interviews until after the advent season. Initially, when we asked Pete to serve as our interim minister he was able to commit to being with us through the end of this year. Now some of his other commitments have changed and he is able to commit to being with us until May. I thank Pete for his willingness to continue to serve here and I personally view this as an answer to prayer showing God’s faithfulness and provision. I also see this as a sign that God will provide the right person for this pulpit in His perfect time. Continue to pray for your leadership and for this new search committee as we strive to follow God’s leading. With regard to additional updates please follow the weekly update on the Monday blog and monthly with the “Elder’s Corner” of the K. -------------------------- Additionally, don’t forget that October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Your ministry staff at FCC is second to none, make sure to reach out to them and show them your appreciation for all that they do for the Kingdom! Blessings Mark Behrends Chairman of the Congregation
September 23, 2019 Calling all prayer warriors of FCC, this week there are two meetings that will have a big impact on ministry for the next year in our church. For the past month the ministry teams of FCC have been working on their plans for the 2020 ministry year. The teams have submitted their funding requests and on Tuesday evening the Finance team will review the requests and will most likely make a recommendation to the elders of a 2020 MAP that will be presented to the congregation for a vote in December. Please pray for the Finance Team as they work to discern anticipated giving for 2020 and how to meet the funding requests to promote a movement for God in Clinton, DeWitt County and around the world. Also please pray for our stewardship. Our church continues very strong financially; however, the past two month we have seen a decline in giving. Some of this could be attributed to the traditional “summer slump” or in Greg’s departure as Lead Minister but we would ask that everyone continue with your financial support of Clinton FCC. The second meeting to pray for will be the September Elder’s meeting on Thursday. At this meeting we will be completing the final analytic tool of our church and also finalizing the committee that will work to discern who to recruit to be our next Lead Minister. This committee is so important to get correct and we request that you solicit our Father for his divine intervention on the selection of those with discerning hearts void of personal agendas. We are planning a public update during a morning worship service very soon, most likely October 6th. While we realize this process has been slow moving, we have appreciated the opportunity not to be rushed and to spend time in prayer and be diligent with our discovery and evaluation of our church. Many of you were asked to give your opinions of our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. For those of you still working on those, it is not too late to turn them back in. We have received many great responses and they are being used in our church profile. This SWOT analysis reinforced that while we are not perfect and have much left to work on we are a very good and health church. Thank you to everyone who responded. P.S. On the subject of “Thank you for your Patience” the elevator is back in service. PTL!! Reminders……. **Tuesday, Sept 24th Women’s Bible Study at 10am in Room 2221 **Wednesday, Sept 25th First Kids youth group, Jr. High Underground, Choir practice **Sunday, Sept 29th ONE SERVICE SUNDAY @ 9:30 **Tuesday, Oct 1st Area Men’s Fellowship @ Saybrook Christian Church **Friday, Oct 4 Young at Heart **Saturday, Oct 5 Beth Moore “Living Proof” Simulcast. Please join us at 9:30am in the sanctuary for this simulcast. This event is the opportunity to hear three teaching from Beth Moore and experience worship from Travis Cottrell and the Living Proof praise team. This event is open to women of all ages and the cost is FREE! Plan to attend and invite your friends. To find out more information or to register, please call the church office or visit clintonfcc.com/upcomingevents. **Sunday, Oct 6 New Attender Meet and Greet 9:30am **Monday, Oct 7 FEED Cook Night I was uncomfortable in church yesterday. I prefer to come and worship and have that warm fuzzy feeling that God loves me and everything is great. Yesterday, Pete preached how Jesus starts the Lord’s Prayer with Our Father or Sodality (community) and then moves into Modality (individual needs) and how if we only focus our prayers Modality our church will die. That was uncomfortable for me because lately almost all of my prayers have been very inward focused. This is a pattern that easy to fall into when we stay in our own small area and are not engaging with others. Yes, God wants to meet our personal needs but it’s important to balance with Sodality. Start with the End in Mind and remember that God wants everyone to know His saving grace. Keep your eyes open, your prayers active and your actions ready to engage those who need to know Jesus.
The leadership of the church has taken the same approach in looking for our new lead minister. We have started with the end in mind and are determining the necessary skills and personality traits that will be required in this minister. Once those are nailed down we will initiate the search. Please keep us in prayer tonight as we continue to work through this process. Pray for Pete as he heads to Kenya tomorrow. He will be leading a evangelistic team in several slums of Nairobi. Just as you are praying for a movement of God throughout DeWitt County also pray for a movement of God in Kenya. We would love for you to be plugged in and involved with our church. Cody has many volunteer openings in the Care Center, Ben Cassandra and Allison would love to get you plugged into Children’s and Student Ministry. Jen and Mandi need help in the office and with funeral dinners. Really the list is endless but if you are looking for a specific area, here are a couple of suggestion: - Dinelle Frankland is looking for a rehearsal accompanist for the choir. Come help the choir learn their parts on Wednesday evenings, the choir will mainly perform with a CD for worship. - Jr. High and High School Students will park cars again at Apple & Pork, let Ben know what shifts you can work. Here are some things to pray over: - BSF starts for men and women this Tuesday - Rooted continues - Wednesday night programming (Choir, First Kids and Underground Student Ministries) - Pete to Africa - A movement of God throughout DeWitt County - New workers to be sent in the harvest - More and more prayer - Neighborhood Care Center to be a catalyst for gospel transformantion. - Staff/Elder/Search Committee - Next Lead Minister - A specific household within FCC and out Mark Behrends Chairman of the Congregation Time to Pray
August 26, 2019 The new group prayer room is now fully functional and ready for your use!! This room (Kent’s old office or the old benevolence room) is located on the west side of the building between the Family Life Center and the Library hallway. The two smaller, more intimate prayer rooms (located in the Adult Education hall and in the sanctuary entrance) are still available for your use but we are excited to now have a designated space for larger groups to meet together to pray. We have designated this space as Holy and would ask that you not use this space for meetings or classes but just specifically for prayer and drawing close with God. Prayer is the foundation of the personal relationship with our Heavenly Father. I would like to give a prayer list for you to pray over this week: - Pray for your personal relationship with Jesus - Pray for the forgiveness of your sin and the revelation of what you need to repent from - Pray for a specific person that you can encourage in their walk with Jesus - Pray for the leaders of our church - Pray for the person that God is preparing to be our next Lead Minister - Pray for Pete Cocco as he delivers God’s word to us - Pray for Samuel Green and this next session of Rooted. - Pray for Ben Pertl, Cassandra Benton, Allison Hitchings and the youth leaders as they ramp up for fall programming, that this will be a impactful year in children’s and student ministry. - Pray for Dinelle Frankland as she begins her ministry with FCC next Sunday. - Pray for Cody Monkman and all of the care center volunteers, that they continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus. - Pray for those who are ill, depressed and have suffered loss Through our prayer life let’s have the goal of being very intimate with God! Do you struggle with your intimacy with God? Is that a desire of yours but you just don’t know how to get that rolling? Have you experienced Rooted? Rooted is a 10 week guided experience that will lead you to that relationship that you desire. If you are feeling that pull to be involved this is the last week to sign up. Call the office or sign up on line, you will be blessed!! Men please consider joining the all men’s group! Reminders…… Rooted signup’s continue through the end of this week. Men’s group for those interested!! Elevator work should begin this week and will be out of service for about four weeks. **Saturday August 24 – YAH trip to Farm to Table meal **Friday Aug 30 – Monday Sept 2 – Family Camp at Little Galilee **Tuesday September 3 – Area Men’s at College Park **Wednesday September 4 – Fall programming begins (Choir, First Kids, Underground for Jr. High) **Friday September 6 – Young at Heart Another great Sunday at Clinton FCC! I am so thankful for our interim minister, Pete Cocco and his heart for ministry. Yesterday Pete delivered a great message on the “WHY” of church. So many times we get caught up in the “WHAT” of church (the serving, the classes, coming to worship) that we forget to bring ourselves and others closer to Jesus. The invitation call yesterday was to commit to finding one person this week to encourage moving one step closer to Jesus. Will you please be faithful to this call?
Our connections event at Little Galilee was a bust yesterday. With a storm predicted for the middle of the event and everyone’s safety being a key, the determination was made early to cancel. Thank you for supporting Gage and Ryan and the men’s mission trip with the food truck which was moved to the FLC. They sold out of their pork and it was a small substitute for our connections event. Are you still looking for a reason to get out to Little Galilee? There are two opportunities coming. This Sunday August 25th at 2p.m. there is a reception for Rob Shoaff in the activity center. Rob is the New Executive Director and this will be an opportunity to meet and visit with him. Also Family Camp is coming over Labor Day Weekend; go out for a day or the whole weekend…You will be blessed! Dinelle Frankland was introduced yesterday during service. She is excited to join our ministry team and will hold her first choir practice Wednesday September 4th; won’t you consider joining the choir?? No experience is necessary and you don’t have to only come to first service, the only requirement is a heart for praise and worship! First Kids and Jr High Underground Student Ministries also start that evening. Reminders……… Rooted signup’s continuing. Men’s group for those interested!!! Elevator continues to be in service until all necessary parts arrive, we will keep you posted **Saturday August 24 – YAH trip to Farm to Table meal **Sunday August 25 - Discipleship: living as an Apprentice of Jesus – Elective Sunday School class continues led by Samuel Green. **Tuesday September 3 – Area Men’s at College Park **Wednesday September 4 – Fall programming begins (Choir, First Kids, Underground for Jr. High) **Friday September 6 – Young at Heart The days are getting shorter and in the next two weeks all of our area schools will be back in session, so it is time to turn our thinking toward fall. Many plans are already in place for this fall. Plans that will help you connect with others in our church, opportunities to serve, and ways to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus. So let’s get geared up and get ready to plug in.
The fall session of Rooted will launch on September 4th (Wednesday evenings) and September 8th (Sunday mornings). Registration information can be found at the Information Center or on-line at clintonfcc.com. Contact Samuel Green with questions. We are especially praying to fill a Rooted men’s group in this session. This men’s group would be for any man regardless of relationship status and would be a great opportunity to get to know other men in the church. A Rooted men’s group will provide unique opportunities especially with service and strongholds and will be very impactful for those participating. Make sure to mark if you are wanting a co-ed, all men’s, or all women’s group as all should be available in this session. This coming Sunday, August 18th at Little Galilee will be our annual end of summer connection event. Come out and connect with others from our church while flying down the zip line or getting cooled off in the pool. Bring a picnic lunch or have some cash to purchase something from the food trucks. 12:30 until 4:00, you won’t want to miss this, it is always a great time! Wednesday September 4th will be the start of fall activities. Wednesday night Rooted, First Kids youth groups, Underground Student Ministries for Jr. High, and Adult Choir will all launch. All are welcome and should seek out how to serve, worship and get plugged in! Finally, it has been a week since Dr. Jody Owens was with us and I was bless by him again this week when he sent a following prayer. My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone. Thomas Merton I resonate deeply with the line "But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you." In the midst of change and uncertainty at FCC, I encourage you to keep the first thing the first thing. Love God, seek to please Him and he will lead you by the right road. Thank you Dr. Owens and let’s in fact “keep the first thing the first thing” keep focused on Jesus and have a great week! Reminders……. ** Elevator Work – There were delays in necessary materials arriving to start the upgrade this past week and work is now scheduled to begin August 21st. Until the work begins the elevator continues in service and is available for use. Once work begins the main elevator will be out of service for approximately four weeks. Unfortunately during this time the basement level will not be handicapped accessible. The upper level may be accessed with the lift located next to the main office. Please contact the office if you have questions or concerns. We apologize for an inconvenience this causes. ** Saturday August 17 – Eastern IL Mobile Food Pantry at 10am at the American Legion. ** Sunday August 18 – Discipleship: Living as an Apprentice of Jesus – Elective Sunday School class continues led by Samuel Green. ** Sunday August 18 – Little Galilee Connections Event – enjoy the pool, the zip line, and the Gage and Ryan food truck. Fun for everyone from 12:30 till 4:00. Everyone is welcome and invited – Bring your friends and neighbors and introduce them to our community of believers. ** August 23-24 – Spiritual Disciplines Retreat at the Chiara Center near Springfield. Reach out to Becky Glenn, Rachel Emery or Susan Klein for more information. Mark Behrends Chairman of the Elders What a great weekend at Clinton FCC! I am so thankful for Dr. Jody Owens from Johnson University and the time that he invested in our church this past weekend. Jody spent Friday evening and Saturday pouring into our staff, elders and key leaders and on Sunday to our church as a whole. If you missed Jody’s message of encouragement to go deep in your trust and daily walk with Jesus, to embrace the whole gospel and not just the part that gets you into heaven, and understanding that it is alright to pray a prayer of disorientation, then go to our web page and listen to his morning message. Yesterday was Paige Rogge last Sunday with us as our summer intern. What a great job Paige did this summer serving our neighbors through the Neighborhood Care Center. She was the lead in organizing and directing our very successful new ministry, Camp 40 which was previously known as the Summer Lunch Program at the Webster Apartments. Many have been blessed because of Paige’s ministry here this summer and she will be missed. I am so thankful for the way God is orchestrating bringing the right people to FCC to minister for each season in our church. God is good and faithful and we know that He will continue to bless our church. Pete Cocco has hit the ground running as our interim minister. He has spent his first week meeting with staff and elders and has a leadership style that will be very healthy for our church. Pete is very interested in meeting each of you and being a spiritual leader for our church for this season of transition. Pete will be preaching beginning this Sunday, pray for him as he prepares to bring God’s words to our church. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us as the work does not stop during times of transition, Pete is a gifted preacher and we are looking forward to how God will work in our church during this time. Reminders……. ** Elevator Work – The main elevator will be out of service starting today (August 5, 2019) and will not be available for approximately 4 weeks due to a major overhaul and replacement of the electrical components. Unfortunately during this time the basement level will not be handicapped accessible. The upper level may be accessed with the lift located next to the main office. Please contact the office if you have questions or concerns. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes. ** Rooted Signups – The fall session of Rooted will begin in September and signups will start this Sunday. Won’t you consider participating or share your experience with someone who you feel would consider signing up! ** Bus Trip to Noah’s Ark & Creation Museum – Call the office for information and to sign up. Only 12 seats left. ** Tuesday August 6 will bring the Area Men's Fellowship at Clinton FCC. Just a quick reminder - we are now hosting two of the Area Men's gatherings each year - January and August and the Area Men's Fellowship exists to support Little Galilee Christian Camp. On the 6th, new Executive Director Rob Shoaff will be bringing the message and Kathie Wickenhauser and her team are preparing an incredible meal! ** Sunday August 11 – Spiritual Disciplines – Elective Sunday School Class begins led by Samuel Green ** Saturday August 17 – Eastern IL Mobile Food Pantry at 10am at the American Legion. ** Sunday August 18 - Little Galilee Connections Event - enjoy the pool, the zip line and the Gage and Ryan Food Truck - the fun begins at 12:30pm and EVERYONE is welcome and invited! ** August 23-24 - Spiritual Disciplines Retreat at the Chiara Center near Springfield - look for more info in the weeks that follow or reach out to Susan Klein, Becky Glenn or Rachel Emery - I love this 24 hour retreat - why not consider giving it a shot? Prayer Requests ...... Pray for those in a season of disorientation, that they will find peace and joy in relationship with Jesus. Pray for the Elevator work that there will be no delays Pray for the Ministry Teams as they are working on their 2020 Ministry Action Plans. Pray for the next Rooted class Pray for the fall ministry plans Pray for the Staff and the Elders, for protection, and Godly leadership. Pray for Pete Cocco as our Interim Minister Pray for Dinelle Frankland who will begin her ministry Sept 1. Pray for the transition process and the SWOT analysis. Pray that God already prepare the right person to be our new Lead Minister. Pray for Samuel Green as he leads EHS and the Spiritual Disciplines elective Sunday School class. Mark Behrends Chairman of the Elders |
Elder's CornerWeekly update on what's happening at FCC! Glad you're here! |